Splendor Man Wiki

Mr Godot Eustace Rage (Also known as Horace Pooperstinkle) is and old enemy of Splendorman, and the presumed leader of the Grumpy-Wumpies, though he prefers the term 'Aggressors of the Pusillanimous'. It is unknown how, where, or when they met, but it is assumed that they have known each other for a long time. His mere prescence causes Splendy to go into Angry Form. He was briefly imprisoned in San Quentin, but escaped during a prison riot.

His current whereabouts are unknown.

Known Crimes[]

  • Makes children cry for no particular reason
  • Knocks over the elderly
  • Tells inapropriate jokes at funerals
  • Berates fellow Grumpie-Wumpies for not being mean enough
  • Cooks sushi before eating it
  • Tips cows
  • Farts in lifts
  • Convinced JonTron to do that thing with a pumpkin, some rope, and a bottle of anti-aging cream
  • Knows how to cause world peace, but refuses to tell anybody
  • Smells a bit 'off'
  • Punched an asian woman in the face
  • Listens to Nickelback
  • Invented war
  • Convinced preteens to make those dreadful 420 MLG montages
  • Sold his soul to the Devil
  • Beat the Devil half to death to get his soul back
  • Gives out SCP-819 as Halloween candy
  • Endorses kale
  • Invented swearing
  • Ate a Dodo
  • Brought Kim Il-Sung into power
  • Makes annoying faces at The Happy Watcher
  • Eats corn flakes with water instead of milk
  • Ate another Dodo
  • Is English (not really a crime, but does explain a lot)

A smudged letter, found near a shattered window[]

This letter was found shortly after Mr Rage's escape from San Quentin

Y͝o͡u ̡f͠o̵o͜ls! I͝t i̡s̨ I̕,̛ ͢M̢r̴ ̢Rag̛e,͡ ̢Agg̀ressor̡ ̀Ex̕tra͡ord́ina̴i҉r̴e͞.̴ I b̷i͘d ̡t̸hee͠ h̀ell̕o̶,̴ ͟y̨oư sme̡l͢l̴y inc͜om͝pet͘ent̡s. ͞N͏o͢w,̡ ̢l͏ist̡e͟n͞ u͟p̸. ̡I wa͜n̵t͘ y͏ou to ͢le̷a͢v̨e̴ m̶e a͝l̷o҉ne̕, ͠y̢o͟u fl͢at͘fo̶o҉t͜s̢,͡ ͡o͡r̴ ͡e̸l͝se͜ ͟I͢ ̧̧and҉ m͜y̷ ̛lác͢key̸s͘ wil҉l̶ in͞cr̷ease o̶ur ̴c͡r̢uèlţy͏, a̛ ̵b͢i͟ll̢i͏on-̧b́įĺlio̧n ̢foļd͠! ̴Ho̷w̸ev̧e̛r,͘ i̧f you ̛dó ͞l͠e͠ave ̨u̷s a̵lon̸e,̨ I̡ w͡i̧ll̢ orḑe͡r my f͡o͜o͡lish̛ ̀s͝y͞copha̸nt͝s ̡to ͜st̡op ͠be͠i͏ng̴ so ͘me̶an͡.́ ͞B͢ut̢ I̴ wi̸l̛l͏ c̴ont͜in̕ųe͜ ̀mý ͘çrue̴l͝ty!̀ T̶o th̕e ͘v͠e͢ry͞ en҉d!

Taķe͜ ̨i̵t or̵ l͢eav҉e it,

M҉r͜ ̴G. ́E͢. ͘R͟age̴
